You can search for all categories on the BIMBA Y LOLA website. Simply click on a product to see all the relevant product information (size, availability, composition, etc.).

Select the product, color, and size (if applicable) and add it to your shopping basket by clicking on "ADD TO BAG." You can also add products to your basket more quickly by clicking on the + icon.

To complete the purchase, go to your cart and check the selected items. Shipping costs (if applicable) will also be displayed in the total amount of your purchase.

Once you have completed your purchase, you will receive an email with your order confirmation and information. You can also access the details of your order through your account.

To order an item as a gift, go to your shopping basket and select "It’s a gift."

We will send your order to the selected address in a gift bag inside our standard order packaging.

If you want to place gift orders for several recipients, you must do so individually, as we cannot split the deliveries of a single order.

Create your wish list by clicking on the heart icon on the product page or selecting "ADD TO WISHLIST" in your bag. You can also add products that are temporarily out of stock or coming soon, which will be activated when they become available.

Please note that if you are a registered user, you have the option to share your wishlist with anyone you want.

Adding a product to your wishlist does not mean it has been reserved.

To request and download your invoice, click on the following link: and enter the purchase receipt number and the total amount.